
Metal Roofs


After removing the old Monier tile roof and during installation of the Poly-Iso insulation system

Posted By Peter In Roofing


New look and considerably cooler roof than the old Monier

If you’re like most, your home is your most valuable asset. And you’ll do anything to protect it. Aluminum metal roofs are built to last. In fact, they’re so durable that when you replace your roof with our product, you’ll never have to re-roof again. NEVER.

Our first goal is to provide you with the last roof you will ever need.

But we also know how important it is that your home be as attractive as possible. You’ll have an abundant selection of styles and colors, ensuring an elegant match to enhance your home’s curb appeal.

Free Estimate

Get a FREE estimate on your Energy Star roof, today! Being conscious of the environment, doesn’t have to break the bank. Take advantage of our FREE estimates for upfront pricing that is well within your budget.

Call 808-234-1000 for a FREE Estimate on your new roof, today!

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Free Report

Get our popular report: "Hawai'ian Roofing Tips". Don't make basic mistakes on your roof that will damage your home and reduce the value of your home.

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A fully licensed and insured roofing
contractor in Hawaii.